36.00 Authority of Enforcement Officials

36.01 Authority to direct traffic; emergency provisions to direct traffic
36.011 Firefighters may direct; conditions

36.02 Inspect vehicles; authority to stop and inspect; enforcement
36.03 Authority to impound vehicle with six outstanding parking violations
36.04 Request accident reports; authority to require drivers and witnesses to file additional reports
36.05 Unauthorized removal from impound facility

.01 Direct traffic: Officers of the Department of Police and Public Safety or such special officers as are assigned by the Police Chief and Director of Public Safety, are authorized to direct all traffic by voice, hand or signal and in the event of a fire or other emergency, or to expedite traffic or safeguard pedestrians, may direct traffic as conditions may require;

 Members of the fire department, when at the scene of a fire, may direct or assist the police officers in directing traffic in the vicinity.

.02 Inspect vehicles: Police Officers are authorized on reasonable grounds shown to stop any motor vehicle and inspect the same, and if any defects in equipment are found, to take such enforcement action as provided by law.

 Impound vehicles. The Department of Police and Public Safety is authorized to impound and remove to a place of safekeeping any vehicle found on the lands governed by the Board of Trustees, at the expense of the vehicle’s registered owner, when it is determined that the owner has failed to answer 6 or more parking violation notices or citations regarding illegal parking. The vehicle shall be released to the owner or the agent of the owner when the impoundment fee for the vehicle has been paid and when all outstanding parking violation notices and citations regarding illegal parking relating to the vehicle have been cleared. The fee for impoundment shall be of such amount as shall reimburse the University for all towing and impoundment costs and for storage. Impounded vehicles not claimed shall be disposed of as provided by law.

 Request accident reports: The Department of Police and Public Safety may require any driver of a vehicle involved in an accident to file written reports and supplemental reports concerning said accident, whenever the original information is insufficient in the opinion of the Department of Police and Public Safety, and may require witnesses of such accidents to render reports to the Department of Police and Public Safety.

 It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, without the special authorization of the Police Chief and Director of Public Safety or his or her designee, any motor vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle, electric bicycle, electric skateboard, other mobility device, motor-driven cycle, motor home, trailer or other object that has been placed in an impound lot, storage facility, or bicycle pen that has been designated and posted, until the prescribed fees have been paid.

Enacted: September 15, 1964
Amended: June 8, 1990
December 10, 1994
December 8, 2000
June 6, 2003
April 12, 2019