33.00 Mobility Devices - Traffic

33.01 Definitions
33.02* Additional mobility devices; authority to designate
33.03* Permits; required
33.04* Display of permits
33.05* Transfer of permits
33.06 When to apply for permits
33.07* Unlawful to operate unless equipped as required
33.08* Operation; where permitted
33.09* Not to be operated more than two abreast
33.10* Speed not greater than reasonable to safety; speed limits for electric mobility devices
33.11* Clinging to moving vehicle prohibited
33.12* To yield to pedestrians at intersections and crosswalks
33.13* Number of riders
33.14* Careless and reckless manner
33.15* On sidewalk prohibited; exception
33.16* Rights and duties
33.17* Obedience to traffic control devices required
33.18* Unlawful to leave unattended except in designated areas
33.19* Unlawful to leave unattended in areas for motor vehicles; exception
33.20* Bicycles; locking required
33.21 Authority to publish special regulations
33.22 Limitations on persons who may leave unattended on campus
33.23 Impounding and release

.01 For purposes of this ordinance the term “commercial” means made available to the public to use for payment. The term “Department of Police and Public Safety” means the Michigan State University Department of Police and Public Safety. The term “electric mobility device” is limited to electric bicycles and electric skateboards. The term “mobility device” is limited to bicycles and electric mobility devices. The term “mobility device company” means a person or entity that makes mobility devices available to the public to use for payment. The following terms have the meanings ascribed to them in the Michigan Vehicle Code, as amended from time to time: “bicycle,” “electric bicycle,” and “electric skateboard.”

.02 Notwithstanding the definitions in section 33.01:

  1. the Police Chief and Director of Public Safety is hereby authorized to designate, in his or her discretion, additional “mobility devices” for purposes of this ordinance;
  2. any such designation must specify whether such mobility device is considered a “bicycle,” “electric bicycle,” or other “electric mobility device” for purpose of this ordinance; and
  3. any such designation may be subject to such conditions, and may vary the terms of this ordinance as applied to such additional “mobility device,” as the Police Chief and Director of Public Safety deems appropriate, in his or discretion.

.03* No person may operate or leave unattended upon the campus:

  1. any noncommercial mobility device which does not bear a current and valid permit issued by the Department of Police and Public Safety or, in the case of noncommercial bicycles only, a current and valid permit issued by the City of Lansing, the City of East Lansing, Lansing Township, or Meridian Township; or
  2. any commercial mobility device that does not bear the clearly identifiable logo of a mobility device company with a current and valid permit issued by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees pursuant to authority granted in section 27.01.

.04* The permission to operate a noncommercial mobility device in and upon the campus shall be evidenced by a permit tag designed by the Department of Police and Public Safety. The Department of Police and Public Safety shall issue such permit tag after acceptance for filing of the application for a permit. Each owner of a noncommercial mobility device shall, upon receiving a permit tag from the Department of Police and Public Safety, cause the permit to be affixed in a conspicuous place on the noncommercial mobility device covered by the permit; provided, however, that the Department of Police and Public Safety may, in its discretion, designate the particular place on each noncommercial mobility device where the permit tag shall be displayed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any noncommercial bicycle that bears a current and valid permit issued by the City of Lansing, the City of East Lansing, Lansing Township, or Meridian Township is not subject to this section 33.04.

.05* Upon the transfer of a permitted noncommercial mobility device, the owner shall remove the permit tag and surrender the same to the Department of Police and Public Safety; provided, however, that the owner, together with the transferee of a noncommercial mobility device, may apply to the Department of Police and Public Safety for the transfer of the permit to operate the noncommercial mobility device to the transferee, and upon such application the Department of Police and Public Safety shall transfer the permit to operate the noncommercial mobility device to the name of the transferee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any noncommercial bicycle that bears a current and valid permit issued by the City of Lansing, the City of East Lansing, Lansing Township, or Meridian Township is not subject to this section 33.05.

.06 Application for a permit to operate a noncommercial mobility device shall be made upon bringing the noncommercial mobility device not meeting the requirements of section 33.03 upon the campus. The Department of Police and Public Safety shall provide for noncommercial mobility device permitting at some time during every day of the year except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

.07* No person may operate a mobility device on the campus unless the same is equipped as follows:

  1. every mobility device which is operated during the period from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise shall be equipped with an activated white lamp on the front thereof, visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front of the mobility device, and shall also be equipped with a mirror reflector or lamp on the rear, exhibiting a red light visible under like conditions from all distances from 100 feet to 600 feet to the rear of the mobility device.
  2. every mobility device shall be equipped with a suitable brake adequate to control the movement of and to stop the mobility device within a reasonable distance on dry, smooth, hard-surfaced road.

.08* Where a usable and designated path for mobility devices is provided adjacent to the roadway, a person operating a mobility device must use the path. Where such a path is not provided, a person operating a mobility device shall ride as near the right side of the roadway as practicable and shall exercise due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. Mobility devices may be operated on all highways and streets upon the campus, regardless of the speed limit of any such highway or street, provided that such operation is in compliance with this ordinance.

.09* No persons operating mobility devices on the campus may ride more than two abreast.

.10* No person may operate a mobility device at a speed faster than what is reasonable and proper with regard to the safety of the operator and others; provided, however, that operating an electric mobility device at a speed greater than the speed permitted by the Michigan Vehicle Code, as amended from time to time, is prohibited.

.11* No person operating a mobility device shall attach himself or herself to any other moving vehicle.

.12* Every person operating a mobility device shall accord the right-of-way to pedestrians crossing roads and streets on the campus at all intersections and crosswalks.

.13* A person propelling a bicycle or electric bicycle shall not ride other than upon or astride a permanent and regular seat attached to such bicycle or electric bicycle. No mobility device may be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped.

.14* The operator of a mobility device shall at no time remove both feet from the pedals, nor both hands from the handlebars or steering apparatus of the mobility device; nor shall any person operate a mobility device in a careless or reckless manner or practice any acrobatic riding on campus.

.15* No operator of a mobility device shall cause the same to be driven upon or across any sidewalk or footpath situated on the campus or upon campus grounds; provided, however, that the operator of any mobility device may dismount from the mobility device and proceed upon such sidewalks and footpaths on foot, pushing the mobility device while so proceeding on foot.

.16* Every person operating a mobility device on a roadway on the campus shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a motor vehicle by the laws of the State of Michigan except insofar as the provisions of this ordinance conflict with or modify said general laws.

.17* Any person operating a mobility device upon a roadway on the campus shall obey the instructions of all official traffic control signals, signs and other control devices applicable to motor vehicles unless otherwise directed by a police officer.

.18 No person operating a mobility device may leave the same unattended at any place upon the campus outside of designated mobility device parking areas.

.19* No person may leave a mobility device unattended in any space designed and intended for use by motor vehicles unless such areas is specifically allocated to mobility device parking.

.20* No person may park a bicycle and leave it unless it is locked to a bicycle rack.

.21 The Police Chief and Director or Public Safety is hereby authorized to publish special regulations providing for removal of mobility devices from parking areas and prohibiting mobility device parking in certain areas for designated periods for ground maintenance and improvements or other University functions. Mobility devices not removed from such areas or parked after the special regulations have been published shall be impounded as provided for in section 33.23.

.22 No person may leave unattended any mobility device on the campus longer than 48 hours unless he or she is currently registered as a student, employed by the University, or residing on University property.

.23 The Department of Police and Public Safety may impound any mobility device found upon the campus which is not permitted as required by this ordinance, or which is operated or parked in violation of this ordinance and shall release such mobility device only after its owner obtains the requisite permit and pays a fee for its impoundment or a summons is issued to the owner for the alleged violation. The fee for impoundment shall be an amount sufficient to reimburse the University for all costs of impounding and enforcing the provisions of this ordinance. Impounded mobility devices not claimed may be sold and the proceeds of such sale applied to the cost of enforcement and impoundment.

Enacted: September 15, 1964
Amended: May 21, 1981
December 10, 1994
April 12, 2019

*Denotes Civil Infraction