2.00 Effectiveness of Ordinances

2.01 Effective date
2.02 Previous Ordinances abolished
2.03 Exceptions to Ordinances
2.04 Exceptions to Ordinance 18.00
2.05 Exceptions for student publications

.01 These ordinances shall be effective at 12:00 noon, December 10, 1994.

.02 All previously enacted ordinances are declared null and void, except insofar as the same are reenacted herein.

.03 Exceptions to sections 13.00, 21.00, 24.00, 27.00, 28.00, and 39.00 of these ordinances must be made by written authorization of the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, or the Police Chief and Director of the Department of Police and Public Safety, as appropriate. Consideration of requests for such exceptions shall be according to criteria prepared by the Secretary and, upon review by the Vice President for Legal Affairs, approval by the Board.

.04 Exceptions to section 18.00 of these ordinances must be made by written authorization of the Police Chief and Director of the Department of Police and Public Safety.

.05 The provisions of these ordinances shall not apply to the sale or distribution of student publications except that the method of distribution shall not interfere with normal university functions.

Enacted: September 15, 1964
Amended: May 21, 1981
Amended: September 10, 1994
Amended: April 12, 2002