Article 11: Property and Facilities

Real and Other Property. The acquisition of all real estate and other property for University purposes and the sale, disposition, or transfer thereof shall first be approved by the Board of Trustees. The Board is authorized to prescribe rules governing the use of all University property by the faculty, staff, employees, students, and the general public and the conduct of all entering upon said property, or in attendance at the University.

Securities. The investment manager(s), appointed by the Board of Trustees, shall be authorized to invest, buy and sell stocks, bonds, evidences of indebtedness, other securities and investment assets in accordance with policies and objectives established by the Board of Trustees. All such transactions shall be reported at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Trustee Investment Committee.

Contracts. The President and officers designated by the President are authorized to execute contracts on behalf of the Board of Trustees.

Naming New Buildings. University buildings shall be named by the Board in accordance with its adopted policies.