December 13, 2019

When: 8:00 a.m.

Where: Board Room, 401 Administration Building


Check back for minutes from this meeting.


Read resolutions approved at the meeting. (PDF)


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Proposed Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Scholarship Awards
  5. Public Participation
  6. President's Report
  7. Gift, Grant and Contract Report (Dr. Hsu)
  8. Research Presentation
    • Speaker: Ashley Shade, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
    • Topic: Microbiome Resilience
  9. Personnel Actions and Information Reports (Interim Provost Sullivan)
  10. Committee Reports and Items Requiring Board Approval
    1. Committee on Budget and Finance (Trustees Foster (Chair), Byrum, Ferguson, Kelly)
      1. External Investment Advisory Subcommittee Member Appointments
      2. FFE—Selma and Stanley Hollander Quality, Excellence, and Opportunity Endowment in the College of Music
      3. Long-Term Ground Lease with the MSU Foundation
      4. Business College Complex-Eppley Center-Student Support and Capital Renewal
      5. Facility and Infrastructure Report
    2. Committee on Academic Affairs (Trustees Byrum (Chair), Ferguson, Knake, Tebay)
      1. College of Law Board Appointments
    3. Committee on Audit, Risk and Compliance (Trustees Kelly (Chair), Knake, Mosallam, Scott)
      1. Conflict of Interest—Approval of Contract Terms
      2. Conflict of Interest—Notice of Intent to Negotiate a Contract
    4. Committee on Student Life and Culture (Trustees Scott (Chair), Foster, Mosallam, Tebay)
      1. Committee Report
  11. Chairperson’s Report and Trustees’ Comments
  12. Adjourn