Student Disorderly Conduct



Michigan State University students shall not engage in disorderly conduct at or in connection with a riot.


“Riot” means five or more persons, acting in concert, who engage in violent conduct and thereby intentionally or recklessly cause or create a serious risk of causing public terror or alarm.

“Acting in concert” means acting with a common intent or purpose.

“Disorderly conduct at or in connection with a riot” includes, but is not limited to, setting fires; throwing bottles or other projectiles; damaging, destroying, or defacing property not the student’s own; obstructing, interfering with, or disrupting the activities of peace officers or public safety personnel engaged in the lawful performance of their official duties; intentionally or recklessly causing or threatening physical harm to another; endangering the physical safety of another; tampering with or misusing fire or safety equipment; theft or looting; resisting arrest; and conspiring with others or inciting others to do any of the foregoing.


This Policy applies to all Michigan State University students whenever the prohibited conduct occurs on the land governed by the Board of Trustees of Michigan State University (the “campus”), when students are engaged in University-sponsored or student group sponsored (student governing group and registered student organization) activities off campus, in all local government jurisdictions adjacent to the campus, or on any other college or university campus.


Violations of this Policy will be adjudicated according to procedures outlined in Article 4 of “Academic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University.”

Students found through University disciplinary proceedings to have violated this Policy may be subjected to a variety of sanctions as described in Section 4.2.4 of “Academic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University.” These sanctions may include: No Action, Warning, Warning Probation, Disciplinary Probation or Suspension from the University. Either probation may also include stipulations requiring a student living on campus to move to another location on or off campus. Students may also be required to make restitution for damage to University property.

In addition to sanctions outlined in Section 4.2.4 of “Academic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University,” violators of this Policy may also be required to make restitution for damage to public and private property.

In some instances, students accused of violating this Policy may be suspended on an interim basis.

Behaviors violating this Policy may also be in violation of professional standards established by colleges and professional schools at Michigan State University. Procedures for adjudicating these alleged violations are outlined in “Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities,” “Medical Student Rights and Responsibilities,” and documents from Michigan State University-Detroit College of Law.


This Policy shall not be interpreted to restrict or limit any student’s First Amendment rights to freedom of speech or assembly.

NOTE: All members of the University community must abide by standards of behavior that reflect the collegial nature of their endeavors. Faculty members and staff members are subject to the disciplinary policies set forth in the Faculty Handbook and the Employee Handbook, respectively.


Enacted: 4/9/99

Amended: 12/8/00