

Each faculty member shall be appointed according to the following guidelines:
  1. Precise terms and conditions of employment should be reduced to writing and delivered to a prospective faculty member before the appointment becomes final.
  2. Probationary faculty members should be informed early in the period of appointment of the substantive and procedural standards to be followed in determining reappointment and/or granting of tenure.
  3. Recommendations regarding renewal of appointment or granting of tenure should be reached by faculty groups under procedures promulgated by and approved through the faculty.
  4. A probationary faculty member should be notified whenever a decision affecting his/her status is under consideration and he/she will be afforded the opportunity to submit material in writing that is considered relevant to such decision.
  5. In every case of nonreappointment, probationary faculty members must be given written notice thereof and offered reasons therefore, which must be delivered orally or in writing at the option of the faculty member.


Enacted: 2/19/71