Outside Work for Pay


I. Policy Overview

Full time faculty members are compensated for full time professional effort for the University. Faculty may have duties in instruction, research, or outreach, or in a combination of these areas. Regardless of the character of the faculty member's duties, the University expects that each full-time faculty member will carry a reasonable and full time load, assuming a proper share of the total functions and responsibilities of the department/school, college, and University. Within this framework, the University recognizes that, through consulting and other relationships with government, industry, not-for-profit organizations, and others outside the University, its faculty members can make valuable contributions off campus while enhancing their expertise in their discipline.

This Policy is intended to protect the integrity of the faculty-University professional relationship, to ensure that approved outside work for pay is consistent with the University's mission, and to provide that faculty members remain accessible to students, colleagues, and the public.

II. Applicability1

This Policy applies to all faculty members (tenure system and fixed term) at the rank of instructor through professor who hold appointments of at least 50% time.2 Faculty appointed less than full-time are not eligible to perform outside work for pay during regular University duty periods. With the exception of the approval process, outside work for pay performed during non-duty periods is subject to the remaining provisions of this Policy.

Certain activities are expected of faculty members as part of their normal scholarly activities and are not regulated by this Policy (even if a faculty member is paid to do them by a person or entity other than the University). These include, but are not limited to3:

  • presentations at professional meetings and other similar gatherings
  • peer review of articles and grant proposals
  • leadership positions in professional societies
  • preparation of scholarly publications
  • editorial services for educational or professional organizations
  • service on advisory committees or evaluation panels for government funding agencies, nonprofit foundations, or educational organizations
  • musical and other creative performances and exhibitions, if there is an expectation in the faculty member's discipline that he/she will engage in such performances or exhibitions.

III. Limitations on Performing Outside Work for Pay During Duty Periods

Faculty members may request approval to engage in outside work for pay during duty periods if all of the following conditions exist:

  1. All approved outside work for pay and overload pay assignments for the faculty member will not exceed a total average of four (4) days a month.
  2. The work in question will enhance the faculty member,s expertise as a teacher and scholar in his/her discipline.
  3. The work will not interfere with the performance of the faculty member's University duties, including those non classroom responsibilities expected of all faculty members.
  4. The work will not adversely affect the University,s interests or violate University policies or regulations.
  5. The work will be of a professional nature.

IV. Definitions

  1. "Outside work" is any work performed for a person or entity other than Michigan State University.
  2. "Work" is any service or activity in the general area of expertise for which the faculty member is employed by the University. Examples of work include, but are not limited to, consulting, advising, research, demonstrating, performing, outreach, or teaching in the faculty member’s discipline.
  3. "Pay" is anything of value received in consideration for work (except reimbursement of expenses, indemnification, or insurance coverage for claims arising out of or occurring in connection with the work). Examples of pay include, but are not limited to, any salary, fee, honorarium, stock, stock option, monetary gift or contribution beyond actual expense, or the promise of any of these in the future. Work for any business or other for-profit enterprise owned or operated by a faculty member or by his/her relative(s), shall be considered “pay” (whether or not the faculty member receives anything of value in consideration for the work) because of the likelihood that the faculty member’s work will increase the value of the business or enterprise to the faculty member’s direct or indirect financial benefit.

V. Required Approval

  1. A faculty member must request and obtain the written approval of his/her unit administrator and dean/separately reporting director before engaging in outside work for pay. (See the Outside Work for Pay Authorization form.)
  2. University administrators to whom the Authorization Form is submitted may seek additional information or clarification from the faculty member regarding the proposed outside work for pay.
  3. University administrators shall process completed Authorization Forms in a timely fashion.
  4. If a request to engage in outside work for pay is denied, the unit administrator shall provide the faculty member with written reasons for the denial. A faculty member may not challenge a decision to deny approval for outside work for pay through the Faculty Grievance Procedure unless the faculty member alleges that the denial is contrary to University policy or established practice.
  5. Each dean/separately reporting director shall keep Authorization Forms submitted by faculty on file for at least three years.
  6. Each dean/separately reporting director shall submit annual reports to the Office of the Provost concerning the outside work for pay performed by faculty in that college/administrative unit. The reports shall not identify individual faculty by name.

VI. Non-Duty Periods

Faculty who hold academic year appointments or part-time appointments of at least 50% time may engage in outside work for pay during non-duty periods if the work does not adversely affect the University’s interests, violate University policies or regulations, or circumvent University policies or regulations that would apply if the work was performed during the duty period. The University does not limit the amount of time faculty may spend on outside work for pay at times other than their duty periods.

A faculty member must provide written notice to his/her unit administrator prior to engaging in outside work for pay during non-duty periods by submitting an Outside Work for Pay Authorization form.

VII. Intellectual Property

The University’s policies regarding intellectual property are applicable to faculty members engaging in outside work for pay.

VIII. Indemnification

Outside work for pay is not covered under the University’s Indemnification Policy or its Travel Accident Plan.

IX. Other Provisions

  1. Faculty may use University facilities, supplies and materials, equipment, services, or employees for outside work for pay, but only if (a) such use would not be contrary to University policy or collective bargaining agreements, (b) such use would not adversely affect the use or availability of such facilities, supplies and materials, equipment, services, or personnel for unit and other University activities and operations; and (c) the University is reimbursed in full for the fair market value of the se of the facilities, supplies and materials, equipment, services, or employees.4
  2. If a faculty member seeks to use intellectual property owned by the University in outside work for pay, the unit administrator must consult with the Office of Intellectual Property before the outside work for pay may be approved or performed. The purposes of this consultation are to avoid violation of third party licenses, to prevent loss of patent rights through premature public disclosure, and to preserve the rights of other authors or inventors.
  3. When engaged in outside work for pay, faculty members must make it clear that (a) they are acting in their individual capacities and not on behalf of the University; and (b) that the University does not endorse, sponsor, or support the outside work. A faculty member may use his/her University title when signing reports and letters pertaining to outside work for pay so long as it is clear that the University title is used solely to document his/her professional credentials. Official University letterhead shall not be used in outside work for pay.
  4. Faculty members shall not divert to outside work for pay research or teaching opportunities that might reasonably be offered to the University, nor should they knowingly participate in outside work for pay that might compete with the University’s programs.
  5. The involvement of University students or staff (especially those for whom the faculty member has oversight responsibilities) in a faculty member’s outside work for pay must be disclosed and may require monitoring.
  6. Approval for outside work for pay is subject to termination at any time the University considers such action to be advisable. Written reasons for the decision to terminate approval will be provided to the faculty member by his/her unit administrator. Decisions to terminate approval for outside work for pay are not disciplinary action. A faculty member who wishes to challenge a decision terminating outside work for pay through the Faculty Grievance Procedure must allege that the termination is contrary to University policy or established practice.
  7. When involvement in outside work for pay substantially interferes with a faculty member’s performance of his/her University duties, the faculty member’s unit administrator may issue an administrative warning to the faculty member or the faculty member and his/her unit administrator may arrange by mutual agreement a voluntary unpaid leave of absence or a reduction in the faculty member’s appointment. Voluntary leaves of absence should normally not exceed six months, and the frequency and duration of leaves of absence should not impair a faculty member’s contributions to the University.
  8. Violation of this Policy may be the basis for discipline under applicable University policies.
  9. Individual colleges or other units may establish lower maximum time limits for outside work for pay than those stipulated in this Policy and may promulgate guidelines and impose reporting requirements for outside work for pay in addition to those set forth in this Policy.

X. Applicability to the Medical Colleges

Faculty in the Colleges of Human Medicine, Nursing, and Osteopathic Medicine may engage in outside work for pay pursuant to this Policy, provided that, if the outside work for pay includes patient care or administrative or consulting activities significantly related to, but not directly involved in, the provision of patient care, the income derived therefrom is subject to the provisions of the Michigan State University Practice Plan. Faculty in the College of Veterinary Medicine may engage in outside work for pay pursuant to this Policy, provided that private practice by faculty in the College of Veterinary Medicine may occur only in accordance with College of Veterinary Medicine policy, and provided further that, if a practice plan is established for the College of Veterinary Medicine in the future, any income derived by a faculty member of the College of Veterinary Medicine from private practice will be subject to the provisions of that practice plan.


1This Policy does not apply to unrenumerated outside activities, whether of a charitable or professional nature. However, faculty members are expected to arrange their outside activities so as to avoid conflicts of commitment. A "conflict of commitment" occurs when the time and attention a faculty member devotes to outside activities interferes with the performance of his/her responsibilities to the University.

2Executive managers (senior level University administrators, including associate and assistant vice presidents and specified directors) and academic administrators (e.g., deans, department chairs, and school directors) are also subject to this Policy and must obtain prior written approval from their direct supervisor before engaging in outside work for pay.

3A faculty member or unit administrator may (1) request an individual or group exemption from specific provisions of this Policy, or (2) request that a particular activity or type of activity be exempt from this Policy. Such requests must be approved in writing by the applicable department chair/director and dean/separately reporting director and by the Provost or his/her designee. Failure to request or receive exemption approval in writing results in coverage of the activity under this Policy.

4Faculty using University facilities, supplies and materials, services, or equipment for outside work for pay do not need to reimburse the University for the fair market value of the use if it is a de minimis, incidental use which imposes no, or little, additional cost or expense on the University.


Enacted: 8/9/51

Amended: 3/4/83, 6/7/91, 11/19/93, 5/5/06