Risk Management and Quality Assurance



The University shall establish a risk management program which includes a systematic and continuous identification of loss exposures, the analysis of these exposures in terms of frequency and severity probabilities, the application of sound risk control procedures and the financing of risk consistent with University financial resources.

Each person, regardless of official or unofficial status, who assumes or is assigned responsibility for the work or activities of others is administratively responsible for their safety during such work or activities. Investigation of accidents involving employees or students during work, class, or sponsored activities is the responsibility of the person whose job it is to supervise the person injured.

Patient Care

The University shall minimize the conditions which may produce an actual or alleged deficiency in patient care, with the purpose of achieving high standards of patient care and lowest practicable loss levels. The President is empowered to establish rules, regulations and procedures necessary to implement an effective quality assurance and risk management program.

Supervision of the general and patient care risk management system will be the administrative responsibility of the Office of Insurance and Risk Management.

Enacted: 7/27/79

Amended: 12/3/82